
Friday, September 14, 2012

What would the prophet have done?

Muslims all over the world try to live their lives emulating and following the superior example of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him).  But some Muslims fail to study his life and the legacy that he left behind.  In light of the recent cruel events of the killing of the American Embassador to Libya, which was supposedly a reaction to the pathetic Youtube video of a ludicrous film on our Prophet(pbuh) of Islam; I am heartbroken at both the senseless makers of this useless movie and the heedless assassinator who committed the reactionary crime.

If a Muslim were to truly love Muhammad (pbuh) and follow his example then he or she would NEVER EVER react in such a thoughtless manner as did the killer. Our Prophet (pbuh) was sent to us as God’s Mercy and with that Divine mercy he was able to deliver the message of Islam, which means peace and submission to the will of God. No matter how much he was provoked, ridiculed, persecuted, stoned, made fun of, disrespected, or hated he never EVER reacted in an evil or revengeful manner. He won over the love of the non-Muslims around him through his unbreakable mercy towards creation and his love and devotion to God. Many people have the misconception that Islam was spread through the sword. This is absolutely false! Every single time the Prophet lead a war for his nation he did it in self-defense to protect the people that believed in One God. He never instigated a war from his own free will.

If you are not a Muslim and you are reading this please know and believe me when I say this that if the Prophet (pbuh) was here amongst us he would not have reacted to the youtube film in a vengeful way. He would have shown his disapproval through the intellectual path of reason and understanding. He would have protested by writing letters to the proper authorities by inviting them to meet him and get to know him. If the opponents were dangerous then he would just avoid them but would pray for their guidance. He wanted everyone to believe that he was sent by God to bring faith into this world.

I am appalled at the idiotic people that are out there who find pleasure in making movies to defame and disrespect the beloved and honored Prophets of such great religions. Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all) have come from the same God. For heavens sake!! That same time and effort that they put into this movie is such stupidity, they have not ridiculed our Messenger but they have shamed themselves and shown to the world their hate, ignorance, ugliness and intolerance. As my Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would have said and done, I sincerely pray for the better guidance to the makers of such garbage movies. I condemn all of the murderers of their senseless crimes and ask God for his proper judgement towards them. I pray that God guides people to truly learn and seek knowledge about Muhammad’s (pbuh) life and look into the reasons why this religion is one of the fastest growing ones of all time. Only then will they know why he is so beloved to us.

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